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from Cat Pumps
Pop-Off Valves: Their function and proper pressure setting
Have you ever wondered what a pop-off valve is and why you need one? Have you ever needed to set or adjust a pop-off valve? Check out our Troubleshooting Tips video for pop-off valves for critical information on why and when to use a pop-off valve and how to set their pressure properly.
Cat Pumps drive-ends have a reputation for being the longest-lasting, most durable pump drive-ends on the market. After decades of use, or through oil contamination of the drive-end, oil can sometimes leak past the seals. Typically, the proper method of replacing crankcase oil seals is complicated and involves removing the two bearing covers, the crankshaft and bearings, and the plunger rod and connecting rod assemblies before finally removing the oil seals. This method is time-consuming but prevents scoring of the plunger rods when using a sharp pick to remove the oil seals.
Cat Pumps engineers have been helping customers solve unique applications worldwide for over 50 years. Click here to read the Application Spotlight - Converting Waste Lignin into Bio-Based Products.
Feel free to email us at to discuss any application questions or help select the right pump for your application.
High-Quality Primary Pressure Protection
By building on the simplicity and strength of our existing modular unloaders, Cat Pumps engineers have created this design to match our 5CP4100CSS Series Pumps to meet the demands of our customer's high-pressure application needs. Model 7865 features a 2.1 mm orifice chemical injector, and model 7866 has a 1.8 mm orifice. For applications where an injector is not required, model 7867 includes a standard discharge fitting.
Check out our new service videos covering seal and valve kit servicing of the following models:
Click here to view our 1540 Series Seal and Valve Kit Service Videos.