Industrial Duty Pumps & Accessories for Misting, Cooling & Fogging Applications
Cat Pumps stocks a complete line of brass, and stainless steel pumps for misting, fogging, and cooling. We offer several drive options; compact direct-drive units for lower demand applications, belt-drive to electric motor or engine, and gearbox drive to engines. Cat Pumps also offers a wide range of 316 stainless steel flushed manifolds for DI water applications. Custom-misting systems can be sized to handle any number of nozzles, and controlled with a VFD, and PLC controls for maximum efficiency and system life. For the most return on your investment, use dependable, low-maintenance, and energy-efficient Cat Pumps products.
Our application specialists, customer service representatives, and professional distributors are readily available to assist with your high-pressure misting application.
Click on any application below to learn more. When it needs to run, make it Cat Pumps.